We all use Social Media in our daily use but WhatsApp is the most popular app on all sites and apps. Whatsapp Dare Messages 2022 are very popular with teenagers. We all play WhatsApp Dare Games with our friends through messages. Do you ever play Games on Social Media? I am sure you have because Dare Games are much liked by the young generation. Most of us like to play WhatsApp Dares by sending WhatsApp Dare Messages to our friends. What makes Dare Questions most interesting is that you can ask anything related to the personal life of anyone. It is not easy to make WhatsApp Dare Games by yourself so I have decided to share some interesting WhatsApp Puzzles & Quiz to play with Friends, Girlfriend & Lover. It is my guarantee that you will love all of my shared dares collection.
Whatsapp Dare Games are the best thing to play with your Friends and Lover. I am sure you have sent many WhatsApp Dare Messages to your contacts. As you all know, technology is developed rapidly all over the world and people are ow totally dependent on Gadgets. In our time, we play lots of games at home with our friends who are physically played. But nowadays that trend is totally lost somewhere and the new generation is spending most of the time on Mobile phones & Laptops. This doesn’t mean they don’t play and waste their time on devices. Yeah! They also play lots of Dare Games on Social Media. In this article, I will share all types of Dare Games & WhatsApp Dares which you can play on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and other Social Media platforms.
There is a special type of WhatsApp Games created by the creative mind of peoples in which most popular were WhatsApp Smiley Dare and WhatsApp Dare Quiz. Well, don’t worry, I am going to share all types of Dare Games for Friends, Lover & Girlfriend to play on Social Media. Don’t think these are only for playing only on WhatsApp, these are also known as Dare Games for Facebook too. Simply means, you can send them on any type of Social Media app or website through a message. If you are in a relationship then I am sure you will definitely like to check my WhatsApp Games for Couples. You may also like Stylish Facebook Names.
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Whatsapp Dare Games, Messages & Questions with Answer 2022
- 1 Whatsapp Dare Games, Messages & Questions with Answer 2022
- 2 WhatsApp Games, Puzzles, Quiz & Dare Messages
- 2.1 WhatsApp Games for Crush
- 2.2 WhatsApp Funny Games with Answers
- 2.3 Whatsapp Truth and Dare Games
- 2.4 Whatsapp Games for Couples
- 2.5 WhatsApp Dares
- 2.6 WhatsApp Love Games with Answers
- 2.7 Whatsapp Dare Quiz
- 2.8 Whatsapp Dare Questions with Answers
- 2.9 Choose a Hand Movement Dares
- 2.10 Dare Games For Facebook
- 2.11 Whatsapp Smiley Dare
- 2.12 WhatsApp Dares Messages 1 to 75
- 2.13 WhatsApp Dares For Girlfriend
- 2.14 Whatsapp Dare Games For Lover
- 2.15 Truth or Dare Questions for New Couples
- 2.16 WhatsApp Slam Book
- 2.17 WhatsApp Questions For Friends
- 2.18 WhatsApp Puzzles
- 2.19 WhatsApp Dares Games
- 2.20 WhatsApp Dares to Perform with Lover
- 2.21 WhatsApp Dare Naughty
Whatsapp Dare Games & Messages are trending nowadays. What I have recently seen, Many people love to send WhatsApp Dares to their friends and family members to know what is in their mind about them. Yeah, these messages play a major role in reading your friend’s mind without asking anything them directly. You should also check YoWA for Android.
In WhatsApp dare messages, you have to send any Dare to your friend and he has to select any single option from your dare. And let your friend know, what’s the answer to his/her selected option. So isn’t it interesting? Yeah! It’s too much amazing for every Social site lover, who spent a lot of his/her time on social sites and apps. Now after learning about it, a question that appears in your mind is “From where we will get the Latest Dare games with answers for WhatsApp & Facebook” Well, let me answer, you don’t have to worry about it. Because in this article, you will find lots of new dare messages and games for social networking websites. Also, check out PUBG Mobile Tricks.
WhatsApp Games, Puzzles, Quiz & Dare Messages
You can play these WhatsApp dare games with your friends or relatives and have fun with all of them. Here is the collection of WhatsApp Dares for you!! Let’s check out these Best WhatsApp Dare Games. You may also like our previous article in which we shared the best way to set WhatsApp profile picture without cropping.
WhatsApp Games for Crush
First of all, let you know this is the most romantic Dare Game of my whole collection. In this dare, there are 21 questions that every Lover wants to ask his/her Crush but you can’t ask them directly. This Dare will help you a lot in getting answers to interesting questions.
Dare: Choose any number between 1 to 21 and I will send you a Dare Questions List.
1. The first thing you notice in a person when you meet them the first time.
2. Will you kill anyone if you get permission? If yes, Who is that person?
3. What is your crazy dream?
4. The quality you like the most in yourself?
5. The quality you’d like to change in yourself?
6. What do you like about me?
7. The thing you don’t like in me
8. On your interest, the person you like to marry.
9. Your Best Friend.
10. What is your opinion of me?
11. The most important person in your life?
12. My contact name on your phone.
13. The nickname you want to give me?
14. Things you like most about me?
15. Color that suits me?
16. Relation status you want to be with me? (No cheating)
17. The thing you like most about my character?
18. The thing you hate in my attitude?
19. Which type of dress suits me most?
20. Dedicate a song to our relationship?
21. Rate my WhatsApp profile picture out of 100?
Aren’t they are interesting? Yes, they are. Now, think how much you will enjoy it when your crush will going to answer these questions. This dare is especially shared to play with Crush. What makes it more interesting is that all the questions asked in this dare are related to you. Means you are going to know all the feelings of your Crush on you. 😀
WhatsApp Funny Games with Answers
Many websites have shared Dare Questions without answers. So, in that case, even the sender doesn’t know what’s the answers. Well, then can make answers by their own mind as per their requirement. But, nobody wants to do this as it took a lot of time. Well, no need to worry as we are going to share answers as well. You can make some fun with your Crush or Girlfriend through these Questions.
Dare: If I will go so far from you forever, what will be your last word to me? Select our desired number from 1 to 10 and let me know about your thinking.
1: Don’t Go Please
2: God Will Be With You Always
3: I can’t Live Without You
4: I Love You, Stay Always With Me
5: Go and Die, Don’t Return Again
6: Can You Live Without Me?
7: I Can Live Without you
8: Fuck Off! I Don’t care
9: I Will Miss You
10: Don’t Forget me
If you are a funny guy then this Funny WhatsApp Dare Game is very interesting for you. Just copy it and send it to all of your close friends. Then wait for their reply and send your answer list to them. I m sure you both are going to enjoy it a lot. Well, not only close friends but you can also play it with School or College friends too.
Whatsapp Truth and Dare Games
I am sure you have played Truth and Dare games many times with your friend in school or college. Actually, we all do a lot of fun while playing such games with our friends as compared to physical games. Right? Yeah, so we are too going to share some awesome WhatsApp Truth and Dare Games. You can send these questions to your friend when they opt for Truth. 😉 It’s my guarantee you will make a lot of fun while asking such questions.
- To whom you did your first kiss?
- With whom you are currently dating?
- Do you believe in love at first sight?
- Have you ever purpose your professor?
- Have you ever kiss on campus/ library?
- How many times did you lie to your parents to watch a night show movie?
- When have you done smoking/drinking if did?
- Have you ever hurt someone?
- Have you ever fight with someone badly?
- Have you ever watched an adult movie without knowing anyone?
- Which star would you like to date?
- Childhood nickname?
- What is your weirdest habit?
- What is your dream job?
- Which one do you prefer Android or Apple?
- What was the most exotic food that you have ever done?
- What was your memorable dinner night?
- If you have any chance, which country you would like the most?
- Who is the older man/woman like the most in the family?
- Any three things that you want to change the world.
- In just 3 words, explain one another game partner.
- Are you a superstitious person?
Whatsapp Games for Couples
If you are in a relationship then you will be surely going to love our WhatsApp Games for Couples. It is only to play with your partner, not with friends or family. Well, you can also play with your Crush or with a friend you are going to date. :-p Here, we found one more most interesting WhatsApp Game for Couples. You may also like the Romantic DP Images collection.
Dare: Select your desired Heart Number and reply to me in 10 seconds and I will send you Dare for your selected Heart and remember that you can’t back out as you have chosen to play this WhatsApp Game.
❤1 ❤2 ❤3 ❤4 ❤5 ❤6 ❤7 ❤8 ❤9 ❤10 ❤11 ❤12 ❤13 ❤14 ❤15 ❤16 ❤17 ❤18 ❤19 ❤20
Here is the Dare to perform for your selected Heart Number.
1. ❤ Propose Me. 📷
2. ❤ Make My Name As Your Status, Saying That You Want To Marry Me.💍
3. ❤ Send Me I Love You. 😛
4. ❤ Sing Your Favourite Song Or Dedicate A Song To Me As A Video Clip. 🎵
5. ❤ Speak About Me For At Least 3 Minutes And Send Me A Video. 😝
6. ❤ Tell Me Which Brand Undergarments You Wear.💃
7. ❤ Tell Me Your Deepest Secret.
8. ❤ Flirt me!!😳
9. ❤ Make A Collage Of Our Photos And Make It DP. 👻
10. ❤ Tell Me The Name Of Your First Crush. 😂
11. ❤ Write I Love You 50 Times And Send It To Me. 😏
12. ❤ Tell Me The Name Of First Girl/Boy, You Kissed. 😛
13. ❤ Come On Video Call And Send Me Kisses. 😘
14. ❤ What Am I To You?
15. ❤ Be My One Day BF/GF. 👫
16. ❤ Send Me A Picture Of What You Are Doing Now.
17. ❤ Do, 6,7 and 11th Dare.
18. ❤ Dance On Any Song And Send Me The Video.
19. ❤ Send Me A Picture Of You Wearing Least Clothes.
20. ❤ Tell Me Two Negative Points About Me That You Hate The Most.
WhatsApp Truth And Dare Games are very interesting for all youngsters. I am sure you have already ever played many types of Dare Games in your School and College with your friends. Now, these are trending on Social Media apps and sites too!! So, I decided to share some of the best WhatsApp Dare Questions which are most popular. WhatsApp is much popular among friends and most time they spend on it, sending WhatsApp Dare Games to each other. As WhatsApp Dares for Lovers is an interesting game, it’s popular. Some of the most popular games in it are WhatsApp Puzzles, WhatsApp Dares, WhatsApp Dare Quiz, WhatsApp Dare Questions with Answers, and all. Recently on our blog, we shared Cute Instagram Bios for Girls, you should check it once.
WhatsApp Dares
Searching for the best WhatsApp Dares? Okay, your wait is over. Here, we have shared awesome Dares for WhatsApp for you. You can play it with your friends anytime. We have shared Hands Movement Dare for WhatsApp which is so amazing. I am sure you will like it. So, what are you waiting for? Go copy it now and play with your friends.
Dare: Select anyone and reply within 2 minutes.
👏👏: Propose Me
👉👉: Get Me Recharge of 100rs
👊👊: Come to a Party with Me
✊✊: Kiss Me
👌👌: Post I Love You status for 2 days on your Facebook timeline
👋👋: Give me a Tight Hug
👐👐: Send me your Worst Pic.
🙌🙌: Tell me the best you see in me
🙏🙏: Tell, What you hate most in me?
💪💪: Put My DP on your WhatsApp for 2 days
👎👎: Tell me who is the ugliest girl in our class
✌✌: Send Me I love You 5 Times ❤
☝☝: Tell me the name of your all Crushes till now
This WhatsApp Dare is similar to WhatsApp Smiley Dares but as there is NO Smiley (Emoji) is there, you can call it WhatsApp Hands Dare :-p . Let you know, it is a very interesting Dare to play with your Crush, Boyfriend or Girlfriend. <3 Both of you will Love to complete these Romantic Dares for WhatsApp.
WhatsApp Love Games with Answers
Dare: Select any of your favorite colors from the options below and you have to perform according to the color’s condition which I will send later.
- Blue
- Grey
- Green
- Red
- Yellow
- White
- Purple
- Sky Blue
Blue – Make your partner’s pic to your’s DP (display picture).
Grey – Ask a neighbor for a roll of toilet paper.
Green – Tell your deepest secret to your partner.
Red – Delete your partner no. from your phone.
Yellow – Don’t talk to your partner for 1 day.
White – Drink 1 bottle of soda in 10 seconds.
Purple – Read the last WhatsApp message from your partner loudly.
Sky Blue – Call your Mom and introduce her to your partner.
As you all know, WhatsApp is one of the most popular Social Networking applications. We all love to send WhatsApp Dare Games to our friends. There are thousands of WhatsApp dare messages & Questions on Google, but we are sharing the best WhatsApp dare games for lovers, WhatsApp Smiley Dare, Dare games for Facebook, WhatsApp love games with answers, WhatsApp Dare Messages with Symbol, WhatsApp dares for Girlfriend and WhatsApp Questions and Answers Game, in this article. Some days ago we also, shared the best WhatsApp group names, you must have to check them.
Whatsapp Dare Quiz
1st Question: Where was the First Potato found?
Answer: In the ground.
2nd Question: What comes down but never goes up?
Answer: Rain
3rd Question: What is the easiest way to get to Heaven quickly?
Answer: Just stand in front of a fast-moving train.
4th Question: Which is the most shocking city in the world?
Answer: Electricity :-p
5th Question: What will happen, if Money starts growing on trees?
Answer: Simple, girls will start dating Monkeys.
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Whatsapp Dare Questions with Answers
Are you searching for some Dare Questions with Answers? Okay, finally your search is over. It’s time to share some best Dare Questions with you. You can send these Questions to your Girlfriend, Boyfriend, or to your Crush also. Now, it’s your time to have some fun with your close ones.
Question: Choose any of your Lucky number from below.
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
1 – Tell me something, which you do not like about me!!
2 – Call me and sing a song for me!!
3 – What kind of relationship do you expect from me?
4 – What you like the most about me?
5 – Do Rs. 50 Recharge in my phone!!
6 – Write a WhatsApp status for me for the next 24 hours!!
7 – Rate me as a friend from 1 to 9!!
8 – Tell me your G.F/B.F name!!
9 – Rate my Look from 1 to 99!!
10 – Tell me your Relationship status from – Single, Committed, Complicated, Engaged, or Married!!
Choose a Hand Movement Dares
Maybe you have ever played Hand Movement Dares with your friend’s group. This time, we came up with something more interesting for you. We collected some hard movement dares and you will be going to love these. Have a look:
Shake your hands and stop it as soon as the music stops and you will have to perform dare according to the pre-listed activities!
1. Hand in Upper Direction >> Slap your own face yourself three times.
2. Hand in Lower Moment >> Reveal your deepest secret in front of everyone.
3. Hands in Punch Movement >> Tell us the name of your Crush from our School/College/Class.
Hand Movement Dare game can be played with anyone but mostly it played in Schools and Colleges with our friends. I think you all will love my provided Dares as these are very interesting. Let me know in the comment section how much you are satisfied with my shared WhatsApp Dares.
Dare Games For Facebook
Challenge: Check if there is miskate in this…
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
- 14
- 15
- 16
- 17
- 18
- 19
- 20
- 21
- 22
- 23
- 24
- 25
- 26
- 27
- 28
- 29
- 30
- 31
- 32
- 33
- 34
- 35
- 36
- 37
- 38
- 39
- 40
- 41
- 42
- 43
- 44
- 45
- 46
- 47
- 48
- 49
- 50
The spelling of Mistake is wrong!!
Go up and check!! Lol :-p
Whatsapp Dare Games for Lovers are trending nowadays. We, all are busy searching for Best WhatsApp Dare Messages. So, What if you will get all categorized WhatsApp Dare Questions with answers? in one place like for example WhatsApp Smiley Dare, WhatsApp Dare Quiz, WhatsApp Dares for Girlfriend & WhatsApp Dare Messages with Symbols. Yeah! We are completing your wish in this article!! Are you also looking for WhatsApp Dare Games for Lovers? If Yes, then you are in a right place. Here, we will cover all types of WhatsApp Dare Messages & WhatsApp Dare Questions with Answers. You will find all the latest Dare games for Facebook & WhatsApp dare Quiz including WhatsApp Smiley Dare and Dare Messages with Symbols, below section.
Whatsapp Smiley Dare
Choose the emoji, and get ready for your dare!!
- 😘 Tell me something about your personal life.
- 😚 Give me Cadbury silk when u meet me.
- 😍 Write my name on your status for 6 hours.
- 😙 How you want me to be?
- 😜 Send me your crush picture.
- 😝 Write your status saying you love me.
- 😛 Put my DP as your for 2 day
- 😄 Send me your funniest picture.
- 😃 Tell me ur crush name
- 😀 What do you feel about me?
- 😗 Put my DP and my status for 4 hours.
- 😒 Hug me tight when you will meet me.
- 😊 Do my any work.
- 😉 On spot selfie must send now whatever You are doing.
- 😳 Do my recharge of 198/-
- 😁 Send me 10 friendship messages.
- 😭 Describe me in 3 lines.
- 😌 Take me For a long drive
- ☺ Tell me ur deepest secret.
- 😞 Tell me whom you kissed first in your life
- 😣 Tell me honestly whom do you love?
- 😢 Tell me about your love. Describe him/ her.
- 😂 Write a status that I am the best and keep it for one day.
- 😏 I will ask you three questions which you have to answer honestly.
- 😪 Upload a picture which I will give you, as your profile pic on FB
- 😥 Propose me right now.
- 😰 Send me a video of yours by saying anything.
- 😅 Write a text about me and send it to me.
WhatsApp Dares Messages 1 to 75
Dare: Choose a number from 1 to 50 and reply fast. Get ready for the dare.
1- Ask me out
2 – Send me your cutest pic
3 – Ice cream treat
4 – What’s your deepest secret?
5 – Make my picture your dp for 1 day
6 – Delete my number
7 – Write my name
8 – Give me a treat
9 – Put your status for a day saying “I am mad”
10 – Take a picture of yourself & send it to me
11 – Tell me something you always wanted to say but you couldn’t…
12 – Call me and tell I LOVE YOU
13 – Do a favor on me
14 – What would u want our relation to be?
15 – Be my slave for 2 days.
16 – Call me and say my name in a loud voice!
17 – Write my name on your status saying You love me..!!
18 – Send me your crush photo.
19 – What change would you want in me?
20 – Write your and my name in your status for 1 day!
21 – Send me a picture of what you are doing now.
22 – Voice clip me saying I wanna love you!
23 – tell me one thing you have never told anyone
24 – what are your feelings about me?
25 – Tell me a secret about you 😀
26 – Tell me a secret about your relationship?
27 – Make our combined picture as your dp for 1 day
28 – Send a voice note saying that you love me.
29 – Suggest me to do something 😉
30 – Write my name on Your status
31 – Make a DP of u and a guy with you… But he should not be your bf.
32 – Give me a treat
33 – Send me your best friends number :p
34. Voice clip send me your gonna crazy
35 – Send me a picture of your crush
36 – Put your status for a day saying “I Miss You (My Name)”
37 – Take a picture of yourself & send it to me now
38 – Don’t talk to me for 1 day :O
39 – Ask me out
40 – Send me a pic of you wearing the least clothes on you
41 – What am I to you??
42 – What’s your deepest secret? <3
43 – Send me a voice note saying my name in a loud voice!
44 – Tell me something you always wanted to say but you couldn’t
45 – How would you describe me?
46 – Be my slave for 2 days
47 – Send me a picture of what you’re doing now.
48 – Write your phone number on your status
49 – Send me your favorite chaddi (shorts) pic 😛
50 – Tell me one thing you have never told anyone B-)
Choose Number Dare Game is very common nowadays. Anyone can create these type of dare games by themselves. But nobody has enough time to do such things so I just shared 1 to 50 dares number wise which is not too tough to complete. You can play this with your friends. Also, check out Dashing DP for Boys for Facebook.
WhatsApp Dares For Girlfriend
Dare: Choose any of your favorite Alphabet from A to Z and get ready for your dare.
A – Send a voice note saying that You love me.
B – Give me a treat
C – Ignore me 😀
D – Tell me a secret about you 😀
E – Delete my number :/
F – Make my picture your DP for 1 day
G – Send me a picture of your legs
H – Who am I for You.
I – Take a picture of yourself & send it to me now
J – Don’t talk to me for 1 day :O
K – Ask me out
L – Send me your latest picture
M – Reveal your any one secret.
N – What’s your deepest secret?<3
O – Send me a voice note saying my name in a loud voice! (y)
P – Tell me something you always wanted to say but you couldn’t
Q – Write my name on your status saying you love me..!!
R – Be my slave for 2 days
S – Write your phone number on your status for 1 day!! B)
T – Send me a picture of what you are doing now.
U – Voice clip me saying I wanna go crazy
V – Tell me one thing you have never told anyone B-)
W – What’s on your mind
X – Describe me with a single Movie name?
Y – How do you find me?
Z – Send a pic of your crush.
Do you have a Girlfriend? If you are a Lucky guy then your answer is YES. Not all boys have a GF but those who have, enjoy their life in a different way with their relationship style. For that type of guy, I have shared some WhatsApp Dare Games for GF. Make some fun with your Girlfriend by playing these dare games with her. Enjoy!
Whatsapp Dare Games For Lover
In this WhatsApp dare for lovers, there are 10 questions which you have to ask your lover (To your G.F or B.F) and check what he/she thinks about you. 😀
1. My contact name on your phone?
Answer: ___________________
2. The nick name you want to give me?
Answer: ____________________
3. Things you like most in me?
Answer: _____________________
4. Color that suits me?
Answer: _____________________
5. Relation status you want to be with me? (No cheating)
Answer: _____________________
6. The thing you like most in my character?
Answer: _____________________
7. The thing you hate in my attitude?
8. Which type of dresses suits me most?
Answer: ____________________
9. Dedicate a song for our relationship?
Answer: ____________________
10. Rate my WhatsApp profile picture out of 100?
Answer: _____________________
Send this WhatsApp dare messages to your contacts and check out their interesting answers.
There are so many Lovers who chat the whole night with each other on Social Media sites & apps. When they feel boring, they try to play Dare Games for Lovers and enjoy their time without getting bored. So here I have shared some Dare Messages for Lovers. Also, check out Adult WhatsApp Groups.
Truth or Dare Questions for New Couples
- Why you break up with your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend?
- Which is your dream place for the wedding?
- How many times have you masturbated a day?
- Have you ever had a blow-job?
- What is the most romantic thing you will do when you will date someone?
- When did you first know that you like me?
- Has anyone ever accidentally seen you naked?
- Have you ever been dumped?
- What’s your favorite thing to see me wearing?
- Have you ever spend the whole day without wearing underwear/bra?
- What you prefer to be on top or bottom?
- Have you ever had a one night stand?
- What is the most embarrassing moment of your life?
- Have you ever sex on the kitchen shelf?
- Describe the most satisfying orgasm that you ever had?
WhatsApp Slam Book
Here is the latest WhatsApp dare messages and games with answers which are much popular among youngsters nowadays.
Dare: Send this Interesting WhatsApp Dare Questions List to your friend and ask him to reply all the given 10 questions in 2 minutes.
1. Your first Crush name?
2. If you have permission to Kiss any girl from your class, which Girl you select to Kiss?
3. What is your crazy dream?
4. The quality you like the most in yourself?
5. The quality you’d like the most in me?
6. What do you hate about me?
7. The thing you want to be changed in me?
8. On your interest, the person you like to marry.
9. Your Best Friend.
10. What is your opinion of me?
WhatsApp Questions For Friends
Dare: Answer the following questions in Yes or No.
1) If somebody sits in the first row, normally people entering the class, sees them.
2) If a girl laughs and looks at anyone, is it love?
3) While singing, if somebody forgets the lines of the songs, will he/she stop singing or not?
4) Shouldn’t I introduce you to my parents as a friend?
5) You have said you also like Lotus, cauliflower, banana’s flower. Is it true?
6) Oh was that your birthday. That’s why I could see you in a temple. I come daily to Temple. Do you know?
What’s The Fact Behind This:
If you have answered “Yes” to any of the questions, then I am not loving you. If you have answered “No”, then you don’t know the meaning of Love.
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WhatsApp Puzzles
Dare: These 10 things, most people see daily in their life. Rearrange the spellings and answer.
9. Mrriro
10. obok
1.Wall Clock
3.Ceiling Fan
4.Mobile screen
5.Mirror Glass
WhatsApp Dares Games
Dare: Sometimes it’s real sometimes we fake it,
None of us knows why do we make it.
If remove the first letter it’s a unit,
Sometimes we show off sometimes we mean it.
Answer: Smile
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WhatsApp Dares to Perform with Lover
Dare: Who Am I for You? Select one answer from the list and I’ll tell you the meaning.
- Chocolate..
- Burger..
- Pizza..
- Sweets..
- Pain Killer..
- Cigarette..
- Drugs..
- Chocolate = You love me.
- Pizza = Good Friends.
- Burger = Time Pass.
- Sweet = Best Friends.
- Pain Killer = You Need Me.
- Cigarette = Addict to Me.
- Drugs = Can’t Live Without Me.
WhatsApp Dare Naughty
Dare: Choose any triple number from the list and I will show you, Who You Are. 😀 Reply Fast!!
- 000
- 111
- 222
- 333
- 444
- 555
- 666
- 777
- 888
- 999
000 Handsome
111 Lovely & Caring
222 Silent killer
333 True lover
444 Cheater
555 Sex Addict
666 Heart Breaker
777 Proud And Sweet
888 Lazy In Bed
999 Hard Worker
So, these were the most popular WhatsApp Dare Games for lovers. Copy out these awesome WhatsApp dares for Girlfriend and make some fun. We shared almost every type of WhatsApp dare quiz including WhatsApp Smiley Dare, WhatsApp Dare messages with symbols, Dare games for Facebook, WhatsApp Dare Messages naughty, and WhatsApp Dare messages 1 to 75, all at one place 😀 . You may also like Stylish Girls DPs for Facebook
So these aren’t interesting? Of course, They Are!! I searched a lot on Google and from different sources, I collected the best WhatsApp Dare Games for you. I hope, you enjoyed too much by playing with these Cool Dare Games with your friends. Now, we updated more WhatsApp dare messages for Lovers. Send these Interesting Dare Questions to your friends and let you know what he thinks about you.
At last, I want to say, Don’t forget to share these Dare Games with your friends and enjoy this huge collection of WhatsApp Dare Messages by sending WhatsApp Dares to your Lover, Friends & Relatives. Many of our readers are enjoying these Dare Games with their friends as we have seen. So what are you waiting for? Just copy and of your desired WhatsApp Dare and send to your WhatsApp Contacts right now and check what is in their mind about you.
We can enjoy a lot with our friends or with whom you love by playing WhatsApp Dare Games for Lovers with them. If you have ever played any type of Dares with them, I am sure you have enjoyed that moment a lot. Now, if your friends are not so close to you (Which happens when we passed out our School and College), still you can feel them closer to you with the help of Social Media. Here, I shared a huge collection of WhatsApp Dare Questions with Answers for you. Stay up to date with us to enjoy more updated stuff. You can comment on your desired WhatsApp Truth and Dare Games and wait for our next update. We will add more WhatsApp Games to our collection.
This was my WhatsApp dare Games collection and this is your time to share your favorite Dare Messages with all of us. If you are addicted to these types of Dares then I am sure you have already created lots of WhatsApp Dare Questions with Answers, by yourself. The above-shared collection is also submitted by some of my friends and I have made them public so that our readers can enjoy them. I hope you liked these WhatsApp Games if you want to share your dare then feel free to comment below.
None of my readers will get bored with this WhatsApp Dare Messages & Games collection because I am updating this article by adding some more new WhatsApp Dare Messages. I can guarantee that you will find your desired WhatsApp Game Question with Answer throughout this collection. There are many copycats copying my Dare Games and pasting on their websites but I don’t care as any of them is not providing anything new.
Enjoy every type of WhatsApp Dares on our blog including WhatsApp Smiley Dare. In our collection, most of the Dare Games are the WhatsApp Dare Games for Friends. No matter they are your School/College friends or from somewhere else. You don’t need anyone in front of you to play these digital games. Just send them to any Social Media website or app through a message and make some fun among your buddies. Feel free to share your WhatsApp Dare Messages with us so that we will add them to our collection.
These are the WhatsApp Dare Games and meant only for an entertaining purpose. Many times, some of our friends get angered because of the Task they do. Right? Well, guys, this only happened if you are playing these WhatsApp Games with any normal friends with whose you talk twice a month. :-p These are only interesting if you play with your Loved Ones. <3 They will never get irritated with your Dare Games. As I have shared almost every category of WhatsApp Puzzles which includes WhatsApp Smiley Dare & WhatsApp Quiz too. If still, you are interested in the new WhatsApp Dare Messages then feel free to comment below.
So, we hope you have got what you are searching for. After a long search, we have collected some of the most interesting WhatsApp Dares for our readers. Now, you don’t have to search for any other website on Google as we provide you all kinds of Dare Games. If you are a teen boy or a girl then our collection is especially shared for you. You can comment if you want any kind of WhatsApp Dare Messages for Friends. We will add it in our next update for sure.
kadak game…….loved it.
Good experince , very interesting it is used for a crush to filrt
Wow beautiful blog, thanks for sharing this content, i will bookmark this website so that i will read some posts again.
thanks dear …nice collection of Whatsapp dare
U have more dares pls