How To Create Own SMS Bomber Website Using PHP Script

How To Make SMS Bomber Website

Do you want to create own SMS Bomber website? Are you looking for free SMS bomber script?

If your answer for above questions is “Yes”, this article is like a heaven for you. In this article, I am gonna to describe full tutorial to create own SMS Bomber website. You don’t need to spend any amount for making SMS bomber site because here I am going to sharing SMS Bomber script for free, by using this script, you don’t need to learn coding or any money. You can easily develop SMS bomber website for free using our method.

SMS Bomber trick is very popular to prank your friends. You can prank your friends by flooding fake SMS on his/her number continues without break, and he/she can’t able to stop them till all the SMS get sent to their mobile number. Even, you can send SMS by fake different countries numbers, like +5415478 this is USA, number and whenever you send any SMS using SMS bomber, your victim’s mobile starts receiving from this number. Your friend get prank when these SMS can’t stops for a while.

How to create own SMS Bomber website with PHP Script

SMS bomber for pc is available in Internet by using that, you can send fake SMS to your friends. But some people wants to create own SMS Bomber website, where as they don’t know programming language, that’s why they can’t able to code any type of PHP Script for their use. They starts searching on Google about how to make own SMS bomber site or download SMS bomber PHP script for free, etc. But on Google, hardly you can find some SMS bomber scripts and when you tries to use that scripts, they can’t works. Your all Hope for making own SMS bomber site get lost that time and you thinks it’s so hard or impossible to create these type of website without learning Web Developing.

So today, I am going to sharing working SMS bomber PHP script for free only on our website TricksCity. By using this script, you are able to create own SMS bomber website without spending any cost on it. Also you don’t needs to make any changes in Script, because it’s already coded perfectly and working fine. But, if you wants to design your Site, you can make changes in script using CSS. Well, CSS is the easiest programming language, so you can learn it easily within 1-2 days (Depend on your concentration).

Requirements To Create SMS Bomber Website

Before going to steps of creating your SMS bomber website, you must have to complete some basic requirements. Here are some requirements, you must have to checkout before proceeding to next step.

1) First of all you need to purchase Hosting or you can use any Free Hosting website for ex.

2)You  must have to use PC or Laptop because in mobile it isn’t possible to create any type of website.

3) Download Index.php file, which is listed in below steps and save it on your PC.

4) Little brain and creative mind.

Features Of Own SMS Bomber Website

There are lots of features for creating your own SMS bomber website. Here I listed some basic and cool features of SMS bomber site:

1) Prank your friends by SMS flooding on their number.

2) Send Unlimited SMS non stop message to anyone.

3) Send SMS to unlimited numbers without any limit.

4) Bomb on any Indian number without any issue.

5) Also there are much features of SMS bomber website.

So, these are some features of SMS bomber website. After reading these features, you can’t wait anymore in creating own SMS bomber website. LOL, don’t worry you wish will surely complete in our next step in which I am going to sharing full guide to create SMS bomber with with PHP script.

How To Create SMS Bomber Website With PHP Script

I hope you already completed all basic requirements which I listed in above section. If you are ready with all requirements, let’s proceed to main step of this trick and article. Now read this guide and make your own SMS bomber website using PHP script for free without learning any programming language.

1) First of all download our official SMS Bomber PHP Script.

2) After downloading open Zip file in Winrar and extract files in another folder.

3) Yahoo!! You will find SMS Bomber Script in that Zip, now you are ready with your own Script, next step is to get free or premium Web Hosting.

4) Go to and order free hosting, Sign up and you will get free hosting with unlimited time usage.

create SMS bomber site

5) Setup your Free Hosting account with Domain name, design, etc. You can also use Free Domain provided by site.

6) So, now your Free site is created, next step is to login into Cpanel and upload our SMS Bomber Script on it.

7) You will find your Cpanel login link on hosting page, click on it.

8) After clicking on Cpanel option, it will automatically open already logged in account in new tab.

9) Scroll down and click on File Manager option, new tab will open with File Manager.

SMS bomber php script

10) Now in File manager, you will see on folder called public_html, simply click on it.

Make own SMS bomber website

11) If you will find any files there like index.php, etc., delete them all but remember to do not delete on file called .htaccess.

SMS bomber trick

12) Now, click on Upload from upper given Menu and drop or select your SMS Bomber script which is downloaded from above steps.

upload SMS bomber script

13) Done, Now your own SMS bomber website is ready for Bombing. Now, open your SMS Bomber website and enter number, start bombing with non stop limit.

Proof Of Creating Own SMS Bomber Website

SMS Bomber Website TricksCity

So finally you created your own SMS Bomber script with our PHP Script. Now, you can send unlimited non stop messages and prank your friends continues. If you thinks that it’s fake or not working, then look at Proof Image, which is created by same script and in that image you can watch 7 Sms are sent.

How SMS Bomber Website Works?

Do you want to know the technique behind SMS Bomber website by which is works? Let me explain, first we have to code PHP script in which we include any App or Website’s API by which they send SMS of promotions to their costumers (For Ex.: Like Paytm send us SMS related to offers and cashback). We hack any website’s SMS sender API and use it in our SMS Bomber script. So we are able to send unlimited messages till that API works. Once that API stops working, we need to put new fresh one. So guys, this is the story behind every SMS Bomber site.

Final Words

So friends in this article I am described full guide to create own SMS bomber website with PHP script without spending any amount. If you don’t know anything about Coding or Programming languages, this article is very helpful for you because here you can find SMS Bomber Script in which you don’t need to make any changes. Just upload it on any Hosting site and Enjoy own SMS bomber site for free.

So let me ask, Is it not easiest trick to make own SMS bomber website? Of course your answer is Yes because there is no other option to make this work more easy and fast. Lets create own SMS bomber website with SMS Bomber PHP script and Enjoy!!. If you have any doubt or query, feel free to comment below.

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8 thoughts on “How To Create Own SMS Bomber Website Using PHP Script”

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